Hardware Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Aug ’20 – Jan ‘21
Project Webpage

  • Designed and built a research drone platform tailored towards indoor navigation and visual SLAM
  • Integrated sensors, including lidar cameras, with flight control unit (PX4) and companion computer (MAVROS)
  • Manufactured modular components for simplified construction and easily configurable sensor payloads

Example flights can be seen on the Project Webpage

Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

Jan ’20 – Dec ‘20
Project Report

  • Created a particle filter interface enabling co-researchers to prototype various AUV sensor configurations
  • Researched optimal usage of MBES sonar data for TRN, including feature matching and gaussian processes

Comprehensive Robotic System for an Autonomous Micro Air Vehicle (MAV)

Jan ’20 – May ‘20
Project Repository

  • Developed and integrated perception, localization, planning, and motion control for an autonomous MAV
  • Built computer vision perception and localization systems using deep learning detection of traffic signs in real-time